Docker swarm UI: Swarmpit

Raghav D
2 min readFeb 27, 2020


Swarmpit provides simple and easy to use interface for Docker Swarm cluster. using swarmpit we can manage docker stacks, services, secrets, volumes, networks, docker nodes etc, swarm cluster we can manage through UI


  1. install docker on server
  2. start the docker service

Steps to install swarmpit:

We deploy swarmpit stack file server using CLI

docker swarm init
git clone -b masterdocker stack deploy -c swarmpit/docker-compose.yml swarmpit

swarmpit runs on port 888, so open your browser http://<IP>:888

This stack file consists of mainly 4 things

  • app — Swarmpit
  • agent — Swarmpit agent
  • db — CouchDB (Application data)
  • influxdb — InfluxDB (Cluster statistics)

Couch DB contains users and stack files, configs, secrets, when we want to restore we need to take this backup, this is a docker volume located at /var/lib/docker/volumes

Deploying a stack file in swarmpit:

  1. go to UI → Applications → stacks
  2. create a new stack , here i am creating stack file for nginx

version: “3”



image: nginx


- 80:80

- 443:443


mode: replicated

replicas: 3


condition: on-failure

delay: 30s

max_attempts: 3

window: 120s

creating a stack file in swarmpitUI
after deploying stack, listing the service in UI
Listing the services running on node in CLI mode

open the port 80 and login to browser http://<IP>

deployed nginx stack using swarmpitUI, web interface of NGinx



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